Bruno Kahne is a consultant in Blagnac, France and works with the aviation industry. He wrote an article for Strategy + Business magazine published by Booz & Company, in May 2008, which deals with “what a deaf person can teach us about the art of listening and making us heard”.

In the article “The lessons of silence”, the author tells us about an executive who had a son with hearing loss and how they developed ways to make effective communication and understanding possible, even with the challenges of hearing loss.

He gives us five lessons that we can apply in our lives: 1. Look into the eyes of the speaker;

2. Never interrupt the speaker;

3. Always speak in the simplest and most direct way possible;

4. When you don't understand something, ask;

5. Be focused. Stay focused. Don't be scattered.

These five basic rules for learning to listen and be heard can and should be applied by anyone and everyone in their daily lives. Many communication problems would be avoided if we followed these precepts, especially in a work meeting, in which time is worth a lot of money.

Looking into the eyes of the speaker makes us increase our attention and shows respect to the speaker. Interrupting the speaker, in addition to impairing communication, demonstrates rudeness, disrespect and lack of education.

When you want to make sure you are understood, be simple and straightforward.

Have the courage to say "I didn't understand" and ask what you didn't understand. Many problems would be avoided with this simple attitude of courage, frankness and humility.

Have focus. Don't be scattered. Do not do too many things at the same time. Focus your attention and you will have better results in your communication. Your professional and personal life will be different and much better.

Follow rules, processes and the law, be it men, God, your company or home, everything will be easier. And learn something very important: “Silence as an answer, is the harshest punishment for your interlocutor”.

I always hear people saying that because we have two ears and one mouth, it is a sign that we should really listen more than speak.

In conclusion, if you are falling out with who you work with, who pays you or who you live with, change your attitude now. Don't expect to arrive tomorrow, as it may be late.

Walk peacefully between the noise and the rush and remember the peace that can exist in the silence.

Listen, learn, filter, redefine and then give the answer at your company's next meeting. Everything is going to change.

See Chaplin in the film “The Kid”, link here, which is mute, but the melody (or incidental music) gives the necessary touch to bring the understanding to life, there are no words.

In fact, in a song, we think that the lyrics are what make us understand, but what makes us believe, or not, is the melody!

Onivaldo Roncatti
Onivaldo Roncatti
Onivaldo Roncatti is an entrepreneur, business administrator and specialist in Information Technology since 1970. Founder and executive of Union TI and director of ABES. A person is considered happy with the achievements obtained daily, happy to be free to act and think, happy to write about everyday life and happy for the family and friends he has. More information:


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