Decree May 13, 2001

Establishes Interministerial Committee to Combat Piracy, and takes other measures.
PRESIDENT, in the use of the attribution conferred by art. 84, item IV, of the Constitution,
Article 1 The Interministerial Committee to Combat Piracy is created.
Single paragraph. Piracy, for the purposes of this Decree, means the violation of copyright referred to in Law No. 9,610, of February 19, 1998.
Article 2 The Interministerial Committee is responsible for:
I – propose an action plan for the competent bodies to safeguard compliance with copyright, as well as to monitor the corresponding execution;
II – assist the competent bodies in the planning of preventive and repressive actions against the violation of works protected by copyright;
III – monitor, through reports sent by Organs competent bodies, the execution of activities to prevent and repress violations of works protected by copyright;
IV – propose, when necessary, reforms and technical-operational modernization of the bodies involved, as well as alterations that may improve the legislation in force;
V – design an effective system for receiving, investigating and investigating complaints about copyright infringement;
VI – to develop campaigns to combat piracy, integrating the main means of mass communication, with the purpose of clarifying public opinion about the harmful effect of the criminal offense and concomitant dissemination of legal texts on copyright and the fight against piracy;
VII – to propose that the competent federal bodies establish agreements with the state governments with a view to implementing a broad and incisive fight against the itinerant trade of illicit goods;
VIII – carry out statistical surveys with the aim of establishing effective mechanisms for the prevention and repression of acts of piracy;
IX – monitor new forms of piracy introduced in the market, especially those carried out on digital networks, and propose dissuasive alternatives to such acts;
X – promote the exchange of information on piracy and illicit trafficking of products resulting from this practice;
XI – propose to feed the Federal Police database, which allows the consultation and dissemination of actions carried out in the fight against piracy, as well as the index referring to arrests, apprehensions and amounts;
XII – promote seminars, with the participation of the private sector, on copyright;
XIII – establish permanent dialogue with national and international institutions and entities, whose objectives and activities may bring relevant contributions to the fight against piracy;
XIV – encourage and support public and private initiatives that value copyright and aim to prevent the practice of piracy; and
XV – establish mechanisms for dialogue and collaboration with the Legislative and Judicial Powers, with the purpose of promoting effective actions to combat piracy.
Article 3 The Interministerial Committee to Combat Piracy will be composed of:
I – three representatives from the Ministry of Justice, one from the Federal Police Department and one from the National Secretariat for Public Security;
II – two representatives of the Ministry of Science and Technology;
III – two representatives of the Ministry of Culture;
IV – two representatives of the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade;
V – two representatives from the Ministry of Finance, one from the Federal Revenue Service; and
VI – two representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
§ 1 The members of the Interministerial Committee to Combat Piracy will be appointed by the Minister of Justice, after their names have been indicated by the head of the Ministries referred to in this article.
§ 2 The chairmanship of the Interministerial Committee to Combat Piracy will be exercised by one of the representatives of the Ministry of Justice.
§ 3 The presidency of the Interministerial Committee to Combat Piracy must submit the results of the activities carried out by the Collegiate to the examination of the Minister of Justice.
§ 4 The functions of the members of the Interministerial Committee to Combat Piracy will not be remunerated and their exercise will be considered a relevant public service.
Article 4 The Interministerial Committee to Combat Piracy may invite representatives of the private sector, whose collaboration is necessary to fulfill its competence, mainly people who work professionally in activities related to copyright and who can, in consultation, contribute to the better performance of the activities of the Collegiate .
Art. 5th The Ministry of Justice will ensure the technical and administrative support essential to the operation of the Interministerial Committee to Combat Piracy, through the National Secretariat for Public Security, which will also exercise the functions of Executive Secretariat of the Committee.
Art. 6th Expenditure arising from the provisions of this Decree shall be borne by the budget allocations of the Ministry of Justice.
Art. 7th This Decree comes into force on the date of its publication.
Brasilia, March 13, 2001; 180th of Independence and 113th of the Republic.
Jose Gregori